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How to reach the Hispanic market for $1 a day

Best place for Spanish advertising

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How to reach the Hispanic market for $1 a day

Veneportal offers $1 a day ads targeted to the Hispanic audience, along its popular fee classified ads and free business directory.

Reaching the Hispanic market is imperative if you want to tap into the largest sales growth opportunity of our time. If U.S. Latinos were a standalone country, they would be the 7th largest economy in the world and nobody would want to miss this target.

U.S Latinos are a very special group of consumers with special characteristics and behaviors that makes them even more interesting for businesses. Perhaps you did not know that according to a Google/Ipsos research:

  • 66% of U.S. Hispanics say they pay attention to online ads—almost 20 percentage points more than the general online population. This influence of online ads, in terms of their level of effectiveness, is true across platforms: video, display, and search.
  • 79% use search engines on a daily basis.
  • 83% of those who access the internet on a mobile device use it while in a store to inform a purchase in real time.
  • U.S. Hispanics use online sources at a higher rate than the general online population (54% vs. 46%).
  • They favor online sources over family, radio, and TV. Online sources actually ranked 20 percentage points higher than TV (54% vs. 34%).
  • Among those who recall seeing online ads, 93% of them take action—whether that’s performing a search, visiting a company’s website, or making a purchase.
  • U.S. Hispanics are ahead of the curve when it comes to digital. They lead in adoption of new devices. They are power users of mobile and over-index in video consumption. “Many marketers may think they trail the so-called general market in adoption of new tech, when in fact they are far ahead and should be among the first prospects for marketers seeking to grow their consumer base,”

How to reach the Hispanic market

There are many options available for reaching the Hispanic audience including national media networks such as NBC’s Telemundo or Univision and local newspapers such as the L.A times or the Miami Herald which have their own Spanish language sections. However, large media network advertising is expensive and usually available only to large corporations who can afford long-term high-budget advertising contracts.

Fortunately, there are a few online media channels like Veneportal that cater exclusively to the Hispanic market with content in Spanish at very affordable prices with a national U.S reach. Right now you can advertise digital ads for only $1 a day.

Other places to advertise online include well know channels such as Google Ads, Bing Ads, Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, YouTube display ads and many localized/niche media outlets such as El Diario de Nueva York, La Buena Suerte in Texas among others with a very local reach.

Key Takeaways

There are many options available for reaching the Hispanic audience, but few as effective and affordable like Veneportal, who cater exclusively to the Hispanic audience with content in Spanish and with a national reach. Advertising to this special group is a necessity if you want to reach the largest market growth opportunity in the United States.

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